A platform that helps Black women and Women of Color impacted by the U.S. criminal justice system gain legal and financial literacy
May - Aug 2023
(4 Months)
Project Type
Team Project
My Role
UX Research
UX Design
Google Form
Project Process
User Research
Secondary Research
Literary Analysis
Competitor Analysis
Primary Research
Expert Interview
User Interview
Design System
Low-fi Design
Design Iteration
High-fi Design
Information Architecture
Webflow Development
Usability Testing
Presentation to clients
Design handoff
Project Overview
About J*Crow
J*Crow is a nonprofit that aims to usher in a new era of economic justice for Black Women and Women of Color impacted by the U.S. criminal justice system. Their goal is to equip these women with financial, legal, entrepreneurial, and workforce resources to uplift them and their families.
About Develop for Good
Develop for Good (DFG) is a nonprofit that supports teams of diverse college students as they work on real-world tech projects under professional mentors for other nonprofits and make meaningful impact. J*Crow is one of the projects during DFG 2023 summer batch.
Project Objective
Black Women and Women of Color make up <11% of jail and prison populations, yet pay >60% amount of fees to the U.S. criminal justice system. There’s a severe lack of financial and economic resources for this population: most resources are catered towards Black men, while 90% of the Black economy is women.
This project would benefit Black women + WOC impacted by the criminal justice system. Creating a welcoming and functional website would expose its users (potential J*Crow partners and the Women of Color community) to financial resources as well as an open community.
Final Deliverable
Project Final Deliverable
A sneak peek of what we did (About 1 min)👇
Project Final Award
Our team has received the most aesthetic award on Develop for Good 2023 Demo Day among 30+ teams.
01 Connecting with the Client
Our team understood that the website required digital financial, legal, entrepreneurial, and workforce resources that empower Women of Color. These resources encompass pilot courses and mentorship programs covering financial literacy (JFi) and entrepreneurship (JStart). A key objective of the website is to secure $250K in funding next year.
Achieving this goal demands a responsive website that is especially easy to use on mobile devices. This design relies on a powerful brand identity grounded in comprehensive UX research. Because our client wanted a mobile-friendly and highly customized site, we designed on Figma and built on Webflow, a no-code platform.
02 Identify User Group
Before starting the user research process, we identified our user research groups and aimed to understand their goals and challenges. Using literary analysis, we gained deeper insights into our issue and target audiences, while competitive analysis helped us recognize the unaddressed needs within the user groups.
User Research Groups
Black Women and Women of Color ​
Funders and Social impact investors
03 Literary Analysis
​The historical backdrop of racism, dating back to the "Slave Patrol" of the 1700s, emphasizes the deep-rooted mistreatment of Black women and women of color within this system and is only the beginning of their persecution. Our analysis encompassed factors contributing to this issue:
Stringent sentencing policies
War on drugs
Absence of gender-responsive
Trauma-informed approaches within the system
Mental health issues
These articles exposed us to the complex matters of charged domestic abuse survivors and overpoliced young black children, who are often vulnerable and acting in self-defense or running away from unsafe homes. Additionally, we explored the intricate legal journey when interacting with law enforcement, a tedious process marked by various stages and associated fees.
04 Competitive Analysis
Step 1 General Analysis
Our team conducted a competitive analysis on these organization websites
Insights from competitive analysis
Step 2 Focus Analysis
Throughout the project, we referenced Dream.org and Designers for Climate most frequently.
Both websites
are colorful and interactive
are easy to navigate
use clean, simple layouts
use geometric graphic elements
Key takeaway from these two websites
01 Information Architecture
The team and client developed a site map together on how the information on the website should be laid out among the different pages. At the midpoint of our project, our client made adjustments as she got feedback from her stakeholders and partners on what would be necessary/unnecessary to have on the J*Crow website.
Some of the changes made include rearranging page order, cutting down the number of pages, and combining J*Crow resources into a Get Started page.
Final Information Architecture
02 Website Design
After the designer and client review, we moved on to making adjustments and focusing on establishing a brand design in the mid-fi’s. Some of the major changes made from the low-fi include:
Creating a bold hero section
Incorporating Imagery
After the designer and client review, we moved on to making adjustments and focusing on establishing a brand design in the mid-fi’s. Some of the major changes made from the low-fi include:
Designing a logo, establishing typography and refining illustrations
Create visually appealing flows and clear contrasts
Final Prototype
'About Us' page
Learn more about how J*Crow started, their mission, theory of change, core values, as well as connect with the founder
'Get Started' page
Include J*Crow's community resources as well as their process to help Women of Color increase their financial and business literacy
'Contact Us' page
Share J*Crow's current partners and give the opportunity to become a partner or ask questions, address concerns or comments through an embedded form
User Testing
01 User Testing Process
Our team of designers performed a total of 10 interviews for user testing. We received both overall and specific feedback on the brand identity, user flow, page layouts, etc. Users thought the website “feels very exciting and lofty” thanks to the bold color story and typography and overall “feminine design”. Several stakeholders also expressed positive feedback on the website’s overall design and functionality.
Some specific feedback we received:
Make the Homepage hero section more visually impactful + some sort of illustration to give viewers the idea of who and what J*Crow is
Include a more concrete “What we do” kind of messaging, as part of “The Problem” section
Add CTA to drive clients/partners to other site pages
Need more visuals/infographics in general; very text-heavy
Craft more impactful and clear copy